The Generalist

Category: Politics and Law

Total 43 Posts

TV Propaganda

The Discovery networks are really becoming ridiculous.  This even aside from the gratuitous references to “global warming” and “climate change” with the not-so-hidden message that people are the plague of the earth. I’ve gotten somewhat used to that message, really. And if you can stomach the backwards values, the shows can

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Those Speech-writers are Comedians

Edited October 15, 2023 for videos removed from YouTube for “copyright infringement.” Original video links: and This is such a positively priceless blunder, one has to wonder… can it really be a coincidence? For those of you who might not get it, here is the relevant scene from

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A Scary Chart

USA Today is featuring this nice Presidential Approval Tracker that lets  you compare the approval ratings of various presidents during their time in office. I’m not much for polls and approval ratings. I tend to think there is way too much leeway there for propaganda. Nevertheless, it’s sometimes worthwhile to

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I really am feeling these days that I am living in a matrix. Not just a system created by elites… a real cosmic joke. The absurdity here of course is that it took a ban on FOX HUNTING for the British people to realize that they wanted their guns back.

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The Basics

I’ve decided to start a new category called “The Basics.” When someone asks me a question that is basic to the libertarian political philosophy, to objectivist ethics, or economic principles, I’m going to try to write an article that answers their question and post it here online for those who

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Carter Slams Bush on Market Crisis

This is just priceless: From Reuters: BRUSSELS (Reuters) – Former President Jimmy Carter said on Friday the “atrocious economic policies” of the Bush administration had caused the worst global financial crisis since the Great Depression of the 1930s. Carter told reporters on a stopover in Brussels that “profligate spending,” massive

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What Does Vengeance Have to Do With It?

From ‘’: Courts across America are using terms like ‘heinous’, ‘atrocious’ and ‘cruel’ when weighing penalties for a variety of crimes. However, the interpretations of these terms and resulting punishment, vary from state to state. The Forensic Panel seeks to provide a standardized scale for the justice system to determine

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