Ok, so I got a couple of questions about the last post, which makes sense, because it was more of a brain dump than an article. So… I’m back to explain exactly what monism (vs dualism) actually is. In a nutshell, monism is the idea that the universe is made
Category: Posts
A video popped up in my feed on YouTube yesterday. I didn’t watch it. But the title and the comments got me thinking about this topic again: Science as equivocation. I’ve written other articles on it, but I don’t think I have ever actually discussed this. I could be wrong.
For no People will tamely surrender their Liberties, nor can they easily be subdued, where Knowledge is diffusd and Virtue preservd . On the Contrary, when People are universally ignorant and debauched in their Manners, they will sink under their own Weight, without the Aid of foreign Invaders.
Samuel Adams
I recently had a short exchange with someone on social media (I try to keep them short) who objected to people using religious exemptions to avoid giving in to bullies who demand they be “vaccinated” or lose their livelihoods. She said they are not really religious. To this I replied
“No people will tamely surrender their Liberties, nor can any be easily subdued, when knowledge is diffused and virtue is preserved. On the Contrary, when People are universally ignorant, and debauched in their Manners, they will sink under their own weight without the Aid of foreign Invaders.”
Samuel Adams
Oh, lots of lawyers are now debating whether or not mandating vaccination is constitutional. They are either fools, or in on it. As I’ve pointed out before, the constitution is a list of rules written by men. It exists as a means to guide people who are unable to understand
So I just published a short rant on the war against independent contractors. I wanted to leave it at that because simple is sometimes better. But there’s more to it, of course. Like all high level thuggery there is an elegance to the fight. Kind of like the elegance of
Right now in New Jersey (Bills A5936/S4204) and California a battle is raging over the right to be an independent contractor. That is… to get paid without withholding and all the rules that go along with traditional employment – i.e., to be an individual making your own decisions and negotiating
I’m republishing this 1956 college commencement address by Leonard Read because I noticed a broken link in my post about What is a Generalist. FEE has since republished it in HTML on their website, but I’m not a fan of their layout and republishing it here will ensure it doesn’t
This is actually a very old post from an old Yahoo group I had where we’d recommend movies and then write about the philosophy we saw expressed there. I posted another of these some time ago about a movie called In The Company of Men. This one is about a
What is red? It’s a color, you say. Well, yes, but that doesn’t really explain anything, does it? Okay, it’s a wavelength of light. Yeah, nope. That doesn’t help, either. Red is an experience. A very particular experience. After all, why does that wavelength of light correlate with the particular
Gaia: What are you made of? Uomo: Skin and bones and stuff. Gaia: And what are skin and bones and stuff made of? Uomo: Um… cells? Gaia: And what are cells made of? Uomo: Chemicals? Gaia: And what are these chemicals made of? Uomo: I don’t know, lots of things.
This essay was written December 24, 2003 by the late Mitchell Jones (of The Dogs of Capitalism fame). It was originally posted to my old Yahoo group debatepolitics which has not been active for years now, but is still worth poking through if the subject interests you. (The original post