Yesterday I was musing about writing a new post. Specifically, I wanted to talk about the difficulty inherent in writing on political topics. This difficulty stems from a multitude of reasons, not the least of which is the reaction you will get from people who don’t agree with you. The
Tag: Posts
I’m sooooooo bored. Honestly. If you are wondering why I don’t write much, this is largely the reason. That, and the fact that I am a perfectionist writing about deep philosophical issues. But largely, I’m bored. And the reason is this. After a while you realize that for a lot
I just discovered this one a short time ago while working on an article about language. Here’s the definition based on the Wikipedia entry: Polysemy: the capacity for a sign, word, or phrase to have multiple related meanings. It is usually regarded as distinct from homonymy, in which the multiple
It should be somewhat obvious that nobody can really “own” an idea, right? An idea has no tangible existence. Ideas are not created either, they are discovered. This means that they are potentially available to any mind that bothers to think. Two people can discover the very same idea at
Yes, I know. My Weekly Words are sporadic. I’m working on that. Here’s one now: Corollary. A good one to follow up a priori, a corollary is a proposition that follows without any additional proof from one already proven. I think of it like this: If I can say therefore, it’s
I watch a lot of TV. I know, I know… it rots your brain, right? Well, it certainly can, and the reasons behind that are two-fold. First, if you are a child, or the type of person who prefers not to reflect on things, you can be easily swayed to
I’m a little behind in my readings in The Freeman, (the Foundation for Economic Education‘s excellent magazine), so if you read it, you may already have already seen this little piece by David J. Hebert. If not I highly recommend it. It’s called Ice and Economics and although it is
I saw them again yesterday. Affluent kids standing at the supermarket exit holding buckets to collect cash from shoppers as they leave the store. The signs that adorn those buckets read “Support [insert name of town or public high school] Crew”… or Football, Soccer, Hockey, or Lacrosse…. Sometimes they want
Found this one posted on the blog at Liberty Conspiracy (be sure to check out the radio show!). Just too, too, too funny.
Back in January I wrote a post about how it matters who gets elected even when that person is a liar or is powerless to change anything, because it tells you something about the philosophy and the maturity of the people who vote. The video I posted a few days
Two small examples of why New Jersey ranks 49 on the freedom scale and New York ranks 50.
The weekly word is back! Once a week I will define and/or explore a new word in the search for more precise meaning in the English language.
Everyone is telling me that I’m too angry lately. Frankly, I think they’re not angry enough. Well, their lack of anger is really the result of a lack of understanding. So, I shouldn’t be angry with them, right? After all, they just don’t understand. Yes, but they should understand. Their
I recently met a man who told me that the state of Afghanistan was proof that a society would not spontaneously order itself towards capitalism. Now, I don’t know where he got the idea that it would, but it seems likely to me that this is a common misconception. So
You might wonder why I called the previous post Gun-Law A Priori. If you are new to the blog and you’ve never heard of this term before, a priori just means that you can come to a conclusion with logic alone – i.e., no statistics are needed. If you’ve ever taken