Ok, so I got a couple of questions about the last post, which makes sense, because it was more of a brain dump than an article. So… I’m back to explain exactly what monism (vs dualism) actually is. In a nutshell, monism is the idea that the universe is made
Category: Science
A video popped up in my feed on YouTube yesterday. I didn’t watch it. But the title and the comments got me thinking about this topic again: Science as equivocation. I’ve written other articles on it, but I don’t think I have ever actually discussed this. I could be wrong.
What is red? It’s a color, you say. Well, yes, but that doesn’t really explain anything, does it? Okay, it’s a wavelength of light. Yeah, nope. That doesn’t help, either. Red is an experience. A very particular experience. After all, why does that wavelength of light correlate with the particular
Yesterday I was musing about writing a new post. Specifically, I wanted to talk about the difficulty inherent in writing on political topics. This difficulty stems from a multitude of reasons, not the least of which is the reaction you will get from people who don’t agree with you. The
I find that many people I discuss 9/11 with, if they are not totally like that river in Egypt, will still want to see more evidence. Some, however, have apparently very short attention spans. These little YouTube videos that people make are really wonderful. They are short, to the point,
Note: This video link was edited October 15, 2023 because Anthony Lawson’s channel was, at somepoint during the great censorship purge, removed from YouTube, and I still want you to be able to watch it here. Go vote in the poll before you watch this video. Don’t worry, nobody will
Note: To vote in both polls you must click vote separately under each question.
A few years ago I wrote a letter to the editor of Bioscience Hypotheses, a journal in which, shortly before, I had published an article speculating on the cause of Bee Colony Collapse. One of the reasons I chose that forum for my editorial was that it seemed to me
A friend of mine recently sent me an article regarding a possible breakthrough in the cause of Bee Colony Collapse (Zombie Fly Parasite Killing Honeybees, Yahoo News, January 4, 2012). Some of you may remember that back in 2009 a friend and I published a paper called Honey bee colony
Okay, so the title of this post isn’t exactly correct. I’m not going to discuss the marketing of establishment propaganda per se. I am going to discuss one of the methods used to maintain it, however. Recently, a friend of mine, knowing that I run with an “alternative” crowd sent
I love this one from Infowars: She makes a great point, actually…. buuuuut… science by definition must be falsifiable – i.e., you have to be able to disprove it. So what exactly WOULD disprove “Global Warming”? Well… NOTHING WOULD! And that’s why, Rachel, “Global Warming” is NOT science!
My friend Richard died this year in January. Shortly after his death I submitted a paper he had written for publication in a scientific journal called Bioscience Hypotheses. The editors were interested, but they had questions. As I had contributed somewhat to Richard’s ideas, I was familiar with them and
From my high school years to the years I spent at Rutgers University studying biology, I have been told that “evolution has no direction.” At first, I accepted this notion, although I always felt that there was something wrong with it. While it’s true that beings do not evolve to
The Discovery networks are really becoming ridiculous. This even aside from the gratuitous references to “global warming” and “climate change” with the not-so-hidden message that people are the plague of the earth. I’ve gotten somewhat used to that message, really. And if you can stomach the backwards values, the shows can
This is very well done and it will definitely get you thinking about our place in the universe. I have no doubt there are civilizations galore out there. To me this is simple statistics. Seeing all of these galaxies out there is very humbling and I think it serves well