The Generalist

Tag: René Descartes

Total 4 Posts

What is monism?

Ok, so I got a couple of questions about the last post, which makes sense, because it was more of a brain dump than an article. So… I’m back to explain exactly what monism (vs dualism) actually is. In a nutshell, monism is the idea that the universe is made

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Weekly Word: Corollary

Yes, I know. My Weekly Words are sporadic. I’m working on that. Here’s one now: Corollary. A good one to follow up a priori, a corollary is a proposition that follows without any additional proof from one already proven. I think of it like this: If I can say therefore, it’s

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Descartes’ Proof that God Exists

Recently I wrote a post called Pondering the Universe in which I laid out some ideas regarding consciousness and metaphysics that I have been examining. In that post, I mention Descartes’ views about the nature of consciousness or the ‘soul’. To get a better idea of exactly what his views

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