The Generalist

Category: Philosophy

Total 55 Posts

What is monism?

Ok, so I got a couple of questions about the last post, which makes sense, because it was more of a brain dump than an article. So… I’m back to explain exactly what monism (vs dualism) actually is. In a nutshell, monism is the idea that the universe is made

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A Methodological Monism

A video popped up in my feed on YouTube yesterday. I didn’t watch it. But the title and the comments got me thinking about this topic again: Science as equivocation. I’ve written other articles on it, but I don’t think I have ever actually discussed this. I could be wrong.

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Respond to the Moral Error

I like Del Bigtree. His show, The Highwire, and the organization behind it, the Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN), are educating people and fighting for justice. They’re really doing it. They report on the news, they discuss the issues, they keep the pressure on, and they remain positive about it.

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Leaving The Illusion

I just finished reading Joseph Plummer’s novel Leaving the Illusion. I thoroughly enjoyed it. In fact, once I started reading, I just kept going and finished it in one night. It gave me the feeling of a cross between The Celestine Prophesy and a Philip K. Dick story. The former

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What are rights?

If you live alone on a desert island you have no need of rights. To you, they are meaningless. You do, however, have responsibilities. These are things you must do if you are to continue living. You have no choice in the matter. These rules are inextricably linked to your

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The Perils of Guru Worship

I recently found this article in my archives from 2013, but it’s still pretty relevant so I’m publishing it (finally!) Might work for Halloween, too, because when you don’t do your own thinking you start to look like the above pic and you get spider webs in your brain. :-)

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What is red? It’s a color, you say. Well, yes, but that doesn’t really explain anything, does it? Okay, it’s a wavelength of light. Yeah, nope. That doesn’t help, either. Red is an experience. A very particular experience. After all, why does that wavelength of light correlate with the particular

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On Thievery

Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. ~George Santayana I must admit I’m having a difficult time suffering fools lately. People think these differences in politics amount to a difference of opinion. “Let’s agree to disagree,” they say. But it’s much more like someone saying 2+2=5

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Why States Don’t Have Rights

Depending on your point of view, my title for this article either makes your blood boil, or else you are cheering. Good. Either way, that should keep you reading. A few days ago I noticed a tweet that posed the question of whether or not the states had the right

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